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Artworks by Artist: Basdera, Franz

Franz Basdera (* 1948 in Vienna) is an Austrian painter, graphic artist and designer. Basdera has been artistically active since 1968 and trained at the Vienna Art School with Fritz Martinz and Rudolf Pusak. Preferred themes of the artist are the Incarnation, as well as biology, religion and meditation. Since 2006 he has been working intensively on the themes of becoming, being, passing away. The black series "Anatomy of Transience" was exhibited in the Vienna Cathedral Museum in 2007.

Franz Basdera is best known for his colorful cows and stick figures. His graphic sequence "smartart22", which he began in 1999, is still used by the company Mercedes-Benz in Austria for advertising purposes. His works can be found in the collections of the Republic of Austria and the Municipality of Vienna, among others. Franz Basdera is a recipient of the "Golden Decoration of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria". In 2006 he was awarded the professional title of Professor.
Basdera is a member of the Professional Association of Visual Artists and the Professional Association Design Austria.
In 2010 he created the new character of KUHliane. KUHliane lives as a KeramikKUH and visited as an originalKUHnstwerk over 60 countries in proven 145 trips. Basderas KeramikKÜHe are fed with the respective coins of the visited countries.
October 23, 2013 Franz Basdera was awarded the Golden Decoration of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria.

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