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Showing 1 - 36 of 855 items
Showing 1 - 36 of 855 items

Works on Paper

Looking for Artworks on Paper?

Browse our unique assortment of Art Prints and buy original Vintage Prints, Lithographs, Fine Art Prints, Giclées, Screen Prints, Mixed Media, Woodcuts, Drawings, Exhibition Posters, and other works on paper of famous and lesser-known artists.


A collection with quality art posters and (exhibition) posters from famous classical modern artists such as Picasso, Miro and Chagall to the contemporary Dubuffet, Alexander Calder, Jim Dine and many others.

These contemporary artists designed their own posters for their exhibitions in Pace / Colombus Ohio, Galerie Meaght Paris and Joan Prats Barcelona, among others. Many printing techniques such as color lithography and screen printing have been applied to high-quality papers up to silver foil.

Artworks can be fitted with a suitable passe-partout by Colonia-Art and framed for ready-to-hang. You can always contact us for tailored service.