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Artworks by Artist: Monet, Claude

Claude Monet is a French painter one of the most famous impressionist painters. He was born in 1840 and died in 1926.

Monet is best known for the painting the water lilies. His family went to live in Normandy when he was five years old. In 1862 he met Pierre Auguste Renoir, with whom he founded the impressionist movement.

They painted together and became friends. Monet later moved to a house in Giverny in Normandy with a large garden.

In 1872 he painted a landscape with the title "Impression, rising sun" (Impression, soleil levant). This painting was shown to the public at the first impressionist exhibition in 1874.

In the period 1892-1893 Monet painted a series of paintings of the Cathedral of Rouen from different perspectives and at different times of the day.

Monet got to know the work of the painter William Turner in the United Kingdom. He particularly admired his performances of the mist on the river Thames.

In 1877 he painted the famous "Station of Sain Nazare" (Gare Saint Lazare). Monet liked to paint scenes in his own garden and in parks; water lilies, a pond, a bridge.

  • Claude Monet is a French painter one of the most famous impressionist painters.

  • He was born in 1840 and died in 1926.

  • Monet is best known for the painting the water lilies.

  • Monet liked to paint scenes in his own garden and in parks; water lilies, a pond, a bridge.

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