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Artworks by Artist: Kühn, Volker

1968 - 72 Studies at the Bremen College of Design, Department of Sculpture
1974 Promotion Prize of the Bremen Senate
1976 1st prize in the competition "Art in Public Space", Bremen College of Nautical Science

Since 1976 Volker Kühn has devoted himself to drawing and graphic art. His first miniature etchings are published by Edition & Galerie Lamers in Dortmund and establish his reputation. Numerous exhibitions follow at home and abroad.

From 1986 he develops his object art. Miniaturised, figurative, three-dimensional sculptures incorporated into vitrine-like frames.

Small stages rich in detail are created which, with an inexhaustible wealth of ideas, present everyday themes in an ironic way. With his sensitive sense of observation, Kühn creates a pictorial language that is understood worldwide, so that his works are shown internationally in many renowned galleries. In addition to his own artistic activities, the artist owns the Kühn Gallery in Lilienthal.

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  • "Objects": Color silkscreen after sculpture by Volker Kühn. Humorous depiction of interpersonal relationships. Graphic Art, Miniature Etchings, Object Art: Kühn's miniature worlds show facets of human shortcomings in everyday life and wittily stage word plays. Kühn presents manifold and precise reflections of the human condition. In good condition,...

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