Verena Blunck-Mader
Born in Styria in 1974
Artistic training HTBLA Ortweinschule Graz, in the field of audiovisual media. under Branko Lenart, Klaus Schuster, Michael Satzinger and Jörg Steger
1995 technical diploma in photo / film / video. Work for Bavarian television in Munich, AV media design in Stuttgart.
Since 1998 freelance photo artist (“Studio Baby & Co”), Augsburg
2006 foundation of the label MaBag, bags as supporting picture frames,
2015 Foundation of the label BLUMA, FotoKeramikSchmuck
2018 Member of the BBK (Professional Association of Visual Artists)
Married, 3 children
Resident in Steppach since 2012
Subject: MenschSein
Photo painting The format-filling yawn of an infant is accompanied by the "laugher" leaning against the mouth A neutral, harmless void is overlaid with snippy newspaper headline realities
Photo painting The already skeletonized artist waits for the kiss of the muses, the "laughers" leaning on the ethereal scented apples, not hurrying, casually kissing their mouths in the direction of the waiting in vain.
Photo painting A fresco-like appearance of sharply divided worlds
Photo painting 3 parts, movable, Do you know Newton? Which? He moves, HIS image changes
Photo painting Dancing, the naked plump body wrapped in neutral cloths, droplets and shimmering gold lay transparently over the motif
Photo painting by then she was already the muse.-um the time of the "laughers" Preserved in museum rooms, for the time thereafter The breath of the spirits of the muses still hangs laughing in the works
Photo painting We are free. To look the other way. But caught withdrawing from consideration at this point. Free to see.
Photo painting Very British! T-Time D-Day, black humor with a mild water temperature and a green stripe on the horizon ... words as flotsam