
Monthly Featured Art

Artworks by Artist: Paul, Thomas

CV Thomas Paul

Born in Hamburg in 1946.
Studied chemistry, worked in research and teaching as well as in the private sector.

Artistic education: Malakademie Frankfurt, Kunstakademie Bad Reichenhall, Atelier Stephan Geisler, Bochum. Exhibitions in institutions and galleries, member of the Federal Association of Fine Artists (BBK) Darmstadt.

Thomas Paul works in his studios in the Wacker Fabrik / Mühltal ( and in Kalamata / Greece.

His pictures are inspired by experiences while traveling, by topics from literature and especially by the landscape in the south of Greece. Depending on the topic, they are abstract or figurative in nature, calm, meditative or expressive and of strong colors.

For an overview of the work groups see:

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