
Monthly Featured Art

Artworks by Artist: Hessenthaler, Susanne

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
  • Nature on the move Global world! It is possible to travel anywhere. I show places I've been, countries I've traveled to. It is possible to live big dreams. Suddenly all of this is ended by a virus that dominates the world. Now we live in memories, travels take place inside. Greece, the cradle of democracy!

  • Nature on the move Global world! It is possible to travel anywhere. I show places I've been, countries I've traveled to. It is possible to live big dreams. Suddenly all of this is ended by a virus that dominates the world. Now we live in memories, travels take place inside.

  • Nature on the move Global world! It is possible to travel anywhere. I show places I've been, countries I've traveled to. It is possible to live big dreams.Suddenly all of this is ended by a virus that dominates the world.Now we live in memories, travels take place inside.

  • Nature on the move Global world! It is possible to travel anywhere. I show places I've been, countries I've traveled to. It is possible to live big dreams. Suddenly all of this is ended by a virus that dominates the world. Now we live in memories, travels take place inside. Greece, the cradle of democracy!

  • Nature on the move Global world! It is possible to travel anywhere. I show places I've been, countries I've traveled to. It is possible to live big dreams. Suddenly all of this is ended by a virus that dominates the world. Now we live in memories, travels take place inside. Arizona, wild american country!

  • Nature on the move Global world! It is possible to travel anywhere. I show places I've been, countries I've traveled to. It is possible to live big dreams. Suddenly all of this is ended by a virus that dominates the world. Now we live in memories, travels take place inside. Greece, the cradle of democracy!

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items